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You've been at the venues at concerts and such where you hear this heavenly swell sound. It creates a peaceful atmosphere and great ambient tone. I myself have always though it was the piano or synth until a while back I found out it was actually a guitar.

Maybe you know this but don't know what equipment/pedals you need to get this swell sound.

  • An electric guitar. Now this doesn't matter which guitar as long as it is electric.

  • A volume pedal. I prefer the Ernie Ball VP JR. but it doesn't really matter.

  • A delay pedal. The delay I use from my multi-effects pedal and my Donner yellow fall but I suggest the TC Electronic Flashback or the Strymon TimeLine.

  • A reverb pedal. I use the TC Electronic Arena for my reverb sounds. The church or TonePrint of your choice is best. The church has a long lasting reverb up to around 20 seconds. The Strymon Big Sky would be another great option.

  • An amp. This doesn't matter at as long as it works.

To get the sound you will need to set your delay to an analog, or something around that, setting it to very long delay setting. Set your reverb to almost as long as it will go.

Strum with the VP down and slowly move the VP up.

There you go! Thats all you need and need to know for making that perfect swell tone.

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